About me

I chose to study Sports and Exercise Science as being active and participating in sports has always been a part of my life. I wanted to learn more about the body and how I can use my passion to help others.

When I finished studying I understood the physical benefits to living an active lifestyle, however I wanted to learn more about the brain and how someones mental state contributes to self worth and value, and the influence it has on the ability to make decisions.

I often noticed that when my own mental state is low, my motivation to be active drops and making decisions becomes more challenging. Throughout my health and wellness coaching studies I realised that without having a strong mental fitness it is much more difficult to maintain consistent physical fitness. The two come hand in hand and the training process for each is not very different from each other.

Like physical fitness you can and need to train your mind to be positive, calm and open to yourself and the world around you. We often spend most of our days worrying about the past or future and often forget to embrace and live in the moment, which is the place we can make real and lasting change to our lives.

Training your brain to live in the moment like exercise training takes patience, time and repetition. Rewiring your brain to think more positively and be present needs to be built up like any muscle. If you take the time to do that you will begin to notice how amazing and capable you really are, Not just around being physically active but in many areas of your life.